
Life On Mars

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soft news

Living everyday life on Earth can be tough. The constant stress and anxiety that life brings about can have an effect on someone in a variety of different ways, good or bad. But just imagine reliving these things on the foreign ground. Another country? Sure, but another planet? That’s something else.

For years astronomers have pondered about the mysteries surrounding life on another plane and whether or not we could leave the world as we know it. It’s a scary thought but at the same time very thrilling. Recently funding for the Mars One program has gone up and a few people are being selected to go to Mars to live the rest of their days. Mars One aims to establish a permanent human settlement on Mars and prove to the world that people can survive on Mars.

This is an extremely big deal for many people, especially astronomers and those who work specifically in the space program as many scientific discoveries can be made which can further advance the growth of technology and the scope of our minds. By allowing humans to survive on another planet, it allows us to be able to think outside of the box and essentially expands our imagination by making the impossible possible.

A main driving force of the Mars One mission is pure curiosity. A lot of times curiosity gets the better of us but in this case, curiosity will define our humanity and fulfill our purpose as adventurous individuals. Many questions are asked: where did Mars come from? Can it teach us about Earth’s history? Is there life on Mars? These are just 3 of the most frequently asked questions by scientists all over the world and now that humanity is so close to discovering something new, maybe some of these questions will have an answer. But who knows, maybe we’ll only be uncovering more questions… it’s just a matter of time before we find out.



The Woman Inspiring Me

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I am inspired

by the capable woman

by the virtuous woman

by the powerful woman

by the woman with a sound mind

and a spirit of courage.

I am inspired

by the woman encompassing true beauty

by the woman who is the epitome

of uncomfortability

and unconformity.

I am inspired

by the woman who is bold,

by the woman with a quiet spirit

by the woman who is unaffected by implications

and judgment

by the woman with a point of view

altering the course of current culture

and a willingness

to be the vessel for change.

I am inspired

by the woman walking by faith

and not by sight

by the woman leading the blind

by the woman carrying the weak

and feeding the hungry.

I am inspired

by the woman who rises early

by the woman who sets about her work vigorously,

and retires late.

I am inspired

by the woman who forgives,

by the woman who sees opportunity and takes,

by the woman who sees need and gives,

by the woman sowing seeds of mercy

even for those unworthy.

I am inspired

by the woman clothed in strength and dignity

by the woman speaking words of wisdom,

and has the self-control to hold her tongue.

I am inspired by the humble woman,

by the woman who sees not only her own value,

but the value of those surrounding her.

I am inspired

by the woman who loves without expecting return

by the woman who laughs at days to come

by the woman whose spirit is not weighed

by the harshness of her circumstances.

I am inspired by the woman

who rejoices always,

whose joy is not dependent on achievements

but rather is emphatic about the grace given to her freely.

I am inspired by the woman

who sees her weaknesses

and understands she is limited

by the woman who relies not own her own strength

but on the Spirit of God.

I am inspired by the woman

who pursues that which is admirable;

and though she is faced with opposition,

walks without fear of failure;

though she is mocked for that which she believes,

speaks valiantly.

This is the woman who inspires me,

who I aspire to be,

who I am becoming.

This is the woman

who creates change

who is unaffected by what surrounds her

who is focused on her own path.

This is the woman who,

though she walks the narrow path,

sees need and provides

sees hunger and feeds

sees hatred and loves

sees pain and soothes

sees anger and calms

sees division and unites.

This is the woman who inspires.



Mother Used to Say

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My mother used to say that strong women begin as broken girls. I would like to believe that this is true, but it’s getting harder and harder to believe in anything anymore. It has all just become an endless daydream, the schoolwork, the extracurriculars, family… it’s just an endless daydream with only you being clear – leaving me with no time for myself. No time to conduct an opera of stars in my dreams but just enough time to think about what could’ve been.

I think this endless daydream started the day I saw you on the way back from Chemistry, your eye’s like the stars I used to conduct in my dreams… dancing, twinkling, fading, shooting stars of beauty – so blue and piercing. But you didn’t notice me. You walked right by me, ignoring my waving hand. Sometimes I think that when I fell for you, we were just two lovers that never met – just chased each other.

I was wrong.

You never were my lover, you were just a stranger with eyes that I fell in love with. I was just the joke that thought we were supposed to be more.

I didn’t let that bother me too much, I was still floating in my endless daydream.

My endless daydream was furthered when I realized we were Biology lab partners second semester. Maybe then we’ll finally become two lovers and not just a moon chasing the sun.

I was wrong.

You transferred out of the class after the first day. You told your friends that I was weird and explained to them how Biology wasn’t worth it, a class wasn’t worth sitting beside me. I didn’t believe it when the rumors filtered throughout the school.

“He wouldn’t say that,” would be my reply.

I didn’t let that bother me too much, I was still floating in my endless daydream.

My mother wanted me to see the counselor, she claimed I was “too caught up in my thoughts.” The counselor also told me that strong women begin as broken girls. I told him to stuff it. I already knew that.

The rumors have gotten around school now. People are whispering again.

“You see that girl over there?”

“Yeah I see her”

“She threatened a boy at her old school with a gun”


It’s all lies. I didn’t threaten him. I just got caught up in his eyes. They were just like the stars I would conduct in my dreams. Dancing, twinkling, fading, shooting stars of beauty – orbs so bright I got lost in them.


It’s all lies. It wasn’t a gun. Some sly bitch from my English class just told everybody that. My mother took me out of the school.

“It won’t happen at this school,” I told myself.

But then I got lost in my endless daydream of eyes – of your piercing blue eyes. I get lost in the stars a lot.

My mother used to say that strong women begin as broken girls. But what happens when the broken girl is too broken? Maybe she’s too caught up in the skies. Maybe her soul is too far gone – lying in shatters at her feet? Maybe the whispers from school are getting mixed up in her head.

“She threatened a girl at her old school.” Would creep into my ear at night, whispering so only I could hear.

“I heard she’s crazy.” Whispers the girls at school…. But how come I hear them at night?

“Maybe you should do it again.”

“Do it”

“C’mon it won’t hurt anybody”

“Just point and shoot”

Should I? It can’t be too hard to just point and shoot. Maybe I should,

Just point and shoot.

My mother used to say that strong women begin as broken girls. I don’t think she realized that the broken girl was just upstairs – tears in the shape of a halo on her pillowcase with a soul resting in shatters at her feet.

I don’t really blame her all that much. I mean she took me out of my school, made me get counseling and all but all I really wanted to do was tell her about you and your piercing blue eyes. She never understood.

There was a day where you did acknowledge me, it was after my English class, you had Social. I was standing by my locker, staring into the blue abyss of your eyes – caught up in my endless daydream. I didn’t even realize that you had come closer to my locker until you were right there.

So close I could see your single eyelashes dancing in the lights. You put your arm around me and whispered in my ear,


My mother used to say that strong women begin as broken girls.

My mother used to say that strong women begin as broken girls.

My mother used to say that strong women begin as broken girls.

Or was it the voices in my head? Saying,

Just point and shoot.

Just point and shoot.

Just point and shoot.

I pointed and shot.



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In lieu of recent events, I thought that I would make my first post of the semester about the political and social turmoil going on in the United States, and how its affecting hundreds of millions across the world. As we all know, Donald Trump is the 45th president of the United States, and has caused a lot of controversy since his one month in office. The more prominent of his decisions would be the Muslim ban – which prohibits people from various muslim (middle eastern) countries to enter into the U.S., regardless if they are an American citizen or not.

Now, as a young Muslim woman living in Canada, I feel incredibly grateful to live in a country that accepts my faith and also respects my choice to practice my faith. I feel heartbroken by President Trump’s actions, and how he is only creating divisions amongst people. Throughout history, we as a people have learned our mistakes and we always say “Don’t let history repeat itself.” but with the recent election I feel like we are only going back in time.

To me, it seems impossible to discriminate people of colour (who make up a large population in the U.S.) and to be able to justify that my actions are for the people. President Trump is only bringing stereotypes back into mainstream media, and his actions seem to be defined by these stereotypes which shows how narrow-minded a person can be. To believe that all Muslims are terrorists shows that the person is ignorant, and needs to educate themselves in the Islamic faith.

Islam is a peaceful religion, and no where does it promote or encourage violence of any sorts. The word Islam means peace, and it makes me angry when people assume that Islam is a religion of violence and war. It makes me really angry because they are not crossing that barrier of ignorance, and they are the ones that are clouding other peoples judgements. I am proud to be a Muslim woman, but I am also scared as to what may happen in the future. I am scared that things will only get worse from here, and that Muslims and people of colour will be discriminated even more.

However, I do believe that the media has a very manipulative way to always blame an attack on Islamic groups, and to paint the picture that all Muslims are terrorists, and from a personal perspective, I have never been bullied or discriminated based on the colour of my skin or the fact that I choose to wear a scarf. However, there was an instance over the summer when I was in Germany, and I went to the grocery store with my aunt, and I noticed how big of a difference there was in the environment. Here in Canada, I walk into a grocery store and no one cares that I have walked in, they are minding their own business. However, in Germany, when I walked into that grocery store I got stares from every single person, and they wouldn’t stop! I was shocked because I had never experienced something like that, and it made me realize the amount of ignorance that people hold. I myself am ignorant to many things, and it isn’t my fault, it’s just that I have no knowledge about many things but I am willing to attain that knowledge. I am willing to step over that barrier of ignorance, but a lot of people around the world are not like that and only rely on the media to feed them information.

I went all across Europe for 6 weeks, and aside from the instances in the grocery stores in Germany, I did not feel any other discrimination. I even went to France, where there have been 3 terrorist attacks in the past 3 years, and there has been a ban on the burqa. But people just minded their own business, and I am not saying that there isn’t social unrest, because there is. There are people in France who are Muslim and have been discriminated by the fact that they wish to wear a burqa, or the more recent one – the burqini.

I do believe that there is social unrest, but I feel like the media has such an influence in our lives that it is starting to influence the actions of people such as police officers, and they are the ones that are being discriminatory now and it’s causing social unrest in countries. It reflects how unjust our system really is, and how police officers need to be reminded and regulated that they cannot be discriminatory on a person based on their colour and religious background. It shows how quickly people jump to assumptions without even asking or learning about what they are ignorant about.

To end this post off, I would just like to say how people have reacted in spite of the recent events in the U.S. warms my heart. There are hundreds of thousands of people who are out in the streets protesting this Muslim ban, and ironically it is bringing people together and unifying them. I only hope and wish that in the future, opportunity and choice will not be judged by the colour of ones skin or their religious background. I hope that people are more willing to come over that barrier of ignorance, and to educate themselves and those around them, and to put an emphasis on acquiring knowledge.


Poet Dissection

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You lean in close to examine your specimen-
for this fascination in bodies would let you know
how your own works.

And where we differ.

He lays there, spread out across the table
in a pose that suggested he was eternal,
but you’ll find yourself none the more enlightened
as he lay there;
a dead, grey thing.

“Who was he?” a voice from nowhere had asked.
“Does it matter?” you replied, tracing a gloveless finger
across his arm. A timid curiosity maybe,
that you’d push a vein and he’d wake in a start.

“He must have lived,” started the voice.
“He did,” you whisper, “though he’s gone now.”

You look at his tag.
“A poet. That’s what he was,” you confirmed.

“A waste,” replied the voice.

You looked at his eyes first.
Seeing how the timid fire in the light of them
has long since been snuffed out.
The eyes that were a faded
milky white from the melted wax
from the candles that once flickered.
Make no mistake in confusing them for cataracts.

You held a scalpel, unsteady in your hands,
as if it was your first time all over again.
The skin was thick, but composed of silk,
a velvet colouring underneath.
But you had to make the effort to look out
and not accidentally cut into tender bone-
bone that had the intention of holding up the world,
but the potential to barely keep itself standing.
The skin was much too like a canvas,
and you paint with an edge to it;
delicate at first
where the skin parted like the seas,
which then gave way to narrow fissures on a frozen lake-
a crack and a horrid tear from hide to dermis,
and what was skin melted into the ash it was forged from.
You barely had to cut.

He lays open.
A morbid gift on Christmas.
But you drew in close.
Looking at him like he was a book of poetry
flipped open to your favourite passage.
His pages lined with blood as thick as ink,
and his insides a viscera of working beauty.
He looked like something out of a Van Gogh painting.
All colours on the inside, a palette of organs mixed
in every which way.

His ears were as sharp as the whispers they heard,
and with a nose that accustomed to picking up the scents
of creatures far less animal
than he.
His hair was the colour of crow feathers,
and he liked it when it drooped down to his sore shoulders
so that he could hide the scars
from the past of a self
that was never him.

His hands were flat,
but he didn’t have ordinary lines.
No, the hands looked like they had wires
woven from every which way;
a swamp of electricity surged
through his palms.
A message from nirvana
of a life praised of idealism,
but hands etched in soot and grime
was the one that faintly delivered it.
Check his fingernails,
and it’s a shock to find dried blood
of a dead lover
from clawing away at her back

You shift uncomfortably.

And there’s the remains of
ink smudged on his finger tips
of all the words that he never got to write.
His own blood.

Traveling up his hand you find broken wrists
from all the guilt and remorse
he could not carry;
his hands painted black from climbing
to higher heights
all in some hope that he could just
get away.

The insides of his hands were no more merciful
as ligaments and planages from the bones of his fingers
were stained blue from trying to grab a hold of lady winter
for night and day. He always did say he liked the cold.
You’d never think it to be the end of him.

Liver, intestines, pancreas, stomach, gallbladder…
It’s all there, you wonder. But it was off.
Granted they were oddly shaped and miscoloured
in various indigos, greens, oranges, and blues.
You brush away at the cobwebs and the dust
That glimmered off the sides of the organs.
Clearly, these instruments have not been used
in a long time….

So what did he eat?

You take your scalpel again for another
surgical plunge only to find
more dust and surprisingly
of lost ideas that never got to be consumed
before his time was up.
He survived off of the bread crumbs
of dead poets and forbidden fruits
from the trees of Eden.
And you just now noticed
the faint sparks and hums
of fireflies roaming around and about
his blood vessels;
the messengers of muses.

His ribcage was most peculiar
in the way that its bones,
brittle as they were, falling apart
at the seams,
were arranged in a way that it looked like a chest
that needed a key to open.
Designed not so much to keep things in,
but rather to keep things out.
A vault of secrets.
And inside there was a spiral staircase
leading down into an abyss
either of treasures
or horrors.
Perhaps both.

Down to his legs,
Slim but raging with vigour-
built off the urge to whiz past forests
and skim the unsteady tidings of oceans
that he had no quarrel in drowning himself in.
But the joints at the knees looked so pained
and bloodied from having to be broken backwards
so he’d be able to pounce like a wolf,
and snapped back
so he could climb like an ape.
Anything from being compared to the likes of man.

But his feet.
Oh, his feet!
Ashen were they.
Seared and scarred and scorched
right down to the bone from his heel to his toes.
Black and burned from having to walk
in the blazes that he paved for himself
because it’s easier to be alight
than it is to let yourself be seen.

You go back to the head
to find where he bled.
The Galea Aponeurotica being the muscle
of the face that controls expression –
what’s most peculiar though, is instead of muscle
he simply shelters layers of plastic.
A series of doll masks
to relay emotion
when it’s just so difficult
to pick
what to feel.

And picking away at the frontal bone
you’ll find his brain.
Remarkably still alive!
Remarkably still pulsing with paints
under smoky trails of electricity.
It flashed with passion and bursted
at the skull, continuously painting the hollow spaces
with colour.
All except for…
The amygdala.
Responsible for emotion.
The only part of his brain that was discoloured and grey.
There was a thin rope, however –
A thin rope leading from it
that could have been easily missed.
You follow it.


Down the esophagus that had less trouble
swallowing poison than swallowing pride.

Beside the crooked spinal cord
composed of glass and crimson cracks.

Down to the thoracic cavity
where you’ll find the rope leading to his heart.
But the thin rope was
so tightly abused around the little heart
as if it were the leash
to a badly behaved dog.

You untie the leash
only to jump
from what sprouted underneath.

A pair of raven’s wings protruded
from ventricle to ventricle.
One wing was stained red,
the other was white.


An aching conflict of desire
from the avians that he spoke to.

You pick up his heart-
The bruised and bloodless with wings.

You try to see what’s inside.
Not so much a difficult task to do
when his heart had been the victim of
endless patchwork of needles and thread
that grew intensively sloppier
as the years passed by.

And inside
his heart
you’ll come to find
a scared soul hounding to be released
from his cage.

The soul that burned from the essence of unkindled fires.

A soul that was
and a little half-lost….

“What was he?” the voice asked again.

Just a grey boy
who wrote the most colourful poetry.

Sajan Ray Dhaliwal – Hopeless Opus

Mad Doctors 


Get To Know Me!

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I am shattered glass, the fragments of a soul clinging to life

I am shattered glass, pieces of me litter the floor – paining every step you take towards me. Stay away.

I am shattered glass, the remnants of when you, in a flash of violent red, left me broken.

I am shattered glass, obscuring the vision of whomever looks through me – distorting the truth and presenting a new one, filled with tiny cracks threatening to crumble under one’s gaze.

I am shattered glass, the same glass that gave someone seven years bad luck – like a mirror.

I am shattered glass, and when the light hits me perfectly I become a rainbow of colors – but only when the light hits me just right.

I am shattered glass, who makes you bleed but leaves a faint stain of red blood on my edges.

I am shattered glass the brokenness left behind after a long night.

I am shattered glass who falls into dust at a mere punch. Only appearing strong when I am whole, when I am a window, when I am a window into other’s lives or a mirror reflecting other’s beauty.

I am shattered glass.

There is a girl who is shattered glass – so she thinks.

There is a girl whose voice gets lost among the sea of students that push up against her back, edging her closer and closer to wherever she needs to be – not ever where she wants to be.

There is a girl whose friends leave her texts unanswered,  thus forcing her to appear too “clingy” when all she wanted to know was how their day was going.

There is a girl whose eyes trace the endless words on the page – she isn’t reading, she’s travelling.

There is a girl whose escape is a page of a novel.

There is a girl who fears failure, whose greatest fear is of that where she was seen as a bright sprite whilst young but as a ghost stuck in an endless daydream of work, stuck in a job she hates as time dissipates  – a failure.

There is a girl who struggles to articulate the words that dance in her mind.

There is a girl who wishes she could walk up to her lover and tell him the truth.

There is a girl who sits in her room at night – under the cover of her duvet, with a flashlight clutched in her hand. She is a girl who is skimming the pages of a novel relishing in the comfort of the words that whisper in her ear.

There is a girl who wishes she would stop being so shattered – shattered glass.


I’ve never really known who I am, perhaps this is why I feel as though my “about me” is more about how I feel rather than who I am. Who is Victoria? Who am I? I don’t know who I am, but I do know that I am a 16-year-old girl who is in the midst of discovering just that. Maybe in my future when I am applying for jobs I will – probably not though (to be honest) – be able to come up with a coherent string of words that manage to encompass who I am; however, for now you’ll just get stuck with who I think I am as of right now. I am a girl stuck in her endless daydream – trying to figure out just how this world works.

All the Love,

The girl with the endless daydream.


I’m From

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In the presence of eternity, the mountains are as transient as the clouds – Robert Green Ingersoll

This piece began as a dream. As a little girl, I had a reoccurring dream that I lived on top of a mountain and went on an endless list of mischievous adventures. As I grew older the dream began to fade, yet the young girl turned mountaineer stuck with me. I always think of those dreams whenever I find myself reluctant to embark on new journies or seize new opportunities – she fills my mind with her courage and brevity – if she can do it, so can I. This is a story derived from that very fantasy, it is about a girl from the mountains who finds herself lost and away from the comfort of her home. Soon she meets a boy and together they embark on a  journey to return her to the snowy peaks she calls home. This piece is about coming to understand that home is not always a place or familiar rooms, sometimes, home has two hands and a heartbeat. 

   I am from the mountains. I was born on the snow covered peaks, so high above the ground that when you look down there is nothing but clouds. The tops of mountains are places of purgatory between the earth and the heavens, neither here nor there. It is always cold, even though the snow-covered peaks are the first things to greet the sun’s warmth; the snow is the only thing that sticks, not the rain or the rays, or the people.  This is not a place for the faint of heart or the homesick – the tops of mountains, although beautiful, are one of the world’s most desolate places. It’s as if the earth itself before it had been populated with life, was just a vagabond orbiting the solar system. Alone and yearning for purpose, the earth reached out to the sky like a hand in search of another, begging the universe to grant it with purpose. These outstretched arms of sedimentary flesh were immortalized in the form of mountains, forever reaching to the heavens and asking for intimacy. This is where I lived.

  It was here on the peaks above the clouds, isolated like an island in the middle of the sea, that I skirted along the sheer, rocky cliffs, and with every step, I took the earth crumbled away beneath my feet. I was made to live on a mountain and my soul was fashioned by the alpine skyline and bound to the jagged, rocky slopes. I lived in the most thrilling uncharted territory, my veins flushed with adrenaline and my head was always full of mischievous ideas, all of this and yet I was riddled with loneliness. My heart assured me that I was content but my mind hindered me from forgetting that in all of my happiness, I had no one but the stars to share it with.

   One day, after the fresh snow had blanketed the mountainside and the earth shook and the shale leaped and danced along with the trembling ground, so vehement that my bones vibrated inside of my skin, my feet tingling until they numbed completely – one day, there was an avalanche. As an avalanche sweeps down the mountainside, it consumes the trees like a wave on a beach, they disappear beneath the roaring tidal of earth and snow that carves away the side of the hill. I watched the avalanche, I felt the avalanche, and my head told me to throw myself in front of its wake so that it could bring me down the mountain, but my heart begged me to stay with my feet planted on safe, high, ground. Before my head or heart could decide my course of action, my feet slipped away from the solid mountain side and the monochromatic sky was lost behind the white out of the avalanche’s wave.


   I awoke to a world of color. No longer on the rocky preface that I had become accustomed to, I found myself in awe of the solid ground beneath my feet, so different than the loose shale that covered the mountain tops. Away from the mountain, the earth was soft and covered in life. Grass and moss and trees and flowers grew everywhere, and the air was so soft, unlike the cold, brisk, air that lingers at the peaks. I looked around at the brilliant hues and felt the need to rub my eyes – I had never known anything outside of the mountain’s grey scale, let alone that this vibrant sanctuary lay just below it.

   I wandered the unfamiliar terrain expecting to feel connected to the land and its people, but I had yet to meet one. Lost in the dense, evergreen, forest I saw the sun slip below the trees and soon it was dark. I had known darkness. I had known loneliness and fear, but somehow these feelings were amplified by my disorientation – my alienation. I slept on the soft, green, grass that I had first come to love, only now, as the dew froze and hardened to my cheeks I became irritated. I yearned for my snow-covered bed and the howling of the wolves to lull me to sleep.


   I opened my eyes into yours – curious but not startled by your presence. I asked you who you were and where you were from (although it was obvious you were from this place of life and color, your eyes so jubilant they told me the answers without the need for words). You asked me what had happened and I told you the story of how I had fallen off my mountain, how it had tossed me from its peaks into the raging avalanche that swept me away from the only home I had ever known. I told you how I was unsure of this exuberant place, how I had first loved its aura and its pallet of colors, only now all I wanted was to return to my home above the clouds. You listened so intently and when I spoke of where I had come from, your eyes danced and your face lifted and you told me how you knew how I could get home. I’m not sure what I loved more: the idea of seeing home again or the thought that I wouldn’t have to go back alone.

   Together we made our way back up the mountain. Days passed. We wandered, sometimes in circles, but you always exuded total calmness. I thought that maybe, you did it on purpose, but every time this thought arose in my mind I squashed it before it could grow into anything that resembled hope. As we traveled, you in the lead, I listened to your stories and laughed at things that weren’t even jokes – your entire personality left me elated. Sometimes you would hum, sometimes soft and peaceful, sometimes lively and joyful, always making my heart jump and my mind sink when I began to imagine what my life back on top of the mountain would be like without you.   At night we built fires to fight the cold and together we huddled to preserve the heat. I resented my eyelids for growing heavy and my lungs for yawning, all I wanted was to stay awake and savor our dwindling time together.

I’m from the mountains and from them I fell, and as I came to understand life away from the cold, desolate peaks, I began to create a home in the hazel of your eyes and the steady rhythm of your beating heart.


about me

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my identity shown in fabrics

material of honour creating a veil

inner beauty makes an appearance

not timid, not forced

by choice, by preference

heart, soul, mind

my protection, my weapon

my expression of freedom

wrapped around in comfort

pain and sorrow lie in these fibers

independent, strong, brave

perseverance of privacy, of privilege

my acuity, prosperity and modesty

a creature of nobility, brilliance, faithfulness

 symbol for the world to see

delicate and subtle, sublime by nature

pride in the freedom to choose and decide,

no pride in coercion, no pride in oppression

my pride speaks with no fear


to see myself — a personal narrative

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as shattered glass

if i were to break, if i were to break like glass, i would ensure the break would be clean. i would push out the shards remaining around the edges because in my breaking i would still demand cleanliness and order and perfection. to break jaggedly and incompletely — why, that’s simply a waste of time.

as a source of light

if i answered this one year ago, i would have said that i am the flame of a lighter. flickering, and unsure, and reliant on the strength of others. as i answer this now, i am like a ray of sun. beating down, quietly but surely, and reliant on the strength i know i possess — why, that’s simply how i have grown.

as a frame

if i were to be a frame, and if i were asked to display what i am most proud of inside my boundaries, i would, without hesitance, place a picture of my friends inside. not only to show their beauty and their wisdom and their thoughtfulness, but to reflect upon myself the utter joy i possess with these people in my life — why, that’s simply what i value.

as a flower

if i could see myself as a flower, i would wish myself to be a chrysanthemum. with bright, welcoming colours and open, inviting petals, i would live its meaning of lasting friendship, of cheerfulness, of enduring life, of loyalty. i would wither, at times, with the harsher rains (and the harsher words), but the light that is i and the light that is those i surround myself with would ensure my growth once more — why, that’s simply how i would bloom.

as a sound

if i were to live through one sound and one sound alone, i would be that of a heartbeat. i would rise with excitement and with passion and i would fall with disappointment and with pity. i would be inextricably connected to emotions, to empathy, to heartaches, to heartbursts, and others would rely on my presence as much as i would rely on theirs, as a source for all of these and more — why, that’s simply how i would live my life.

claire b.

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